I had to shoot over to Long Island City to drop off a check at a car dealer there and actually had a great ride. Without traffic, driving in the NY/LI area can be pretty enjoyable. During the week the ride would have taken easily an hour and half but I cruised this morning in under an hour.
I put the Reynolds's latest Podcast on the iPod and found it to be their best one yet. Not that Glenn and Dr. Helen aren't interesting in their own right, but the entire half-hour (approx.) is taken up by their guests Jim Dunnigan and Austin Bay. The hosts ask maybe a total of 3 or 4 questions--they even laugh when Dr. Helen's attempt to ask a question is completely talked over and missed by the guests--Dunnigan and Bay just banter about the Iran situation and the Insta's know better than to interrupt the natural flow of the conversation. Colonel Bay is excellent as always but Dunnigan is really entertaining. He was all over cablenews after 9/11 and in the lead-up to OIF, but I haven't seen him on much in last few years. The man's a character and he has a distinct voice--possibly a minor speech impediment--that I find puts an everyman quality to his always insightful analysis. Anyway, I recommend you make the time to listen to the whole thing.
Once that was over and I flipped back to the music on my iPod I caught a slew of great tunes while on random. Sure, I skipped some others but the first three were back-to-back-to back.
- "Land of a Thousand Dances" by J. Geils Band--In honor of Wilson Pickett.
- "Surfin' U.S.A." by The Beach Boys--Went through a big Beach Boys phase about 5 years ago.
- "I Just Wanna Make Love To You" by Etta James--Whoa. Seriously.
- "My Babe" by Narvel Felts--A few years ago I bought a 3-disc set of original Sun Studio recordings with the idea that I'd brush up on my early rock n' roll history. I haven't really immersed myself in it the way I had planned, but I put the discs on the iPod and made it a rule that when a song comes up on shuffle I have to listen to the whole thing.
- "Personality Crisis" by New York Dolls--"Personality, wonderin' how celebrities ever mend, looking fine on television"
- "Hold On" by Tom Waits--Althouse had a post up this week about Waits and his battle against imitators.
- "Not For You" by Pearl Jam--That line: "Like Mohamed, it's the truth" doesn't seem as cool as it once did.
- "Bernadette (Instrumental)" by The Funk Brothers--If you haven't seen Standing in the Shadows of Motown yet, buy it, rent it, Netflix it, do whatever you can do to see it. It's a great documentary. The music is the best and story is important as a piece of American history.
- "Cold Gin" by KISS--Saw them do this live, with full make-up, a few years ago. Althought the most memorable moment may have been when they played "I Was Made for Lovin' You" and a bunch of hardcore anti-disco mullett-heads held up their middle fingers and turned their backs to the stage. Ha.
- "Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On" by Jerry Lee Lewis--Also on the Sun Records compilation. If I had to choose I guess I'd take Lewis over Woody Allen in the incestuous pedophile category.
- "Change The Locks" by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers--A Lucinda Williams cover from the She's The One soundtrack.
Now since I don't know when it's going to be almost 60 degrees again here this winter, I have two cars to wash.